About coaching with Margot

Do you live abroad? Are you feeling stuck in your life or career? Is life abroad not as much fun (anymore) as you thought it would be? Did you feel your career disappeared after moving abroad? Or perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed by an upcoming international move or relocation?

If you would like to make a change but you are not sure where to begin, perhaps an expat coach is what you need.

Schedule a free call

Let me support you to clarify what route to take at this crossroads. If you are ready to embark on a journey with a down-to-earth and honest coach, schedule a free 30 minute call to see if we are a match.

If you do not see a suitable time in the scheduler, please email me for an appointment that suits your time zone.

My clients

Expat Partners

I work with expat partners, especially women who moved abroad for their partner’s work, but who do not see themselves as an “expat wife.” Women who were ambitious and hard working back home, and who followed their partner for love and adventure.

Is this you?

You struggle with adapting your professional ambition to life abroad, and while you deeply love your kids, you never imagined yourself being a stay-at-home mum.

While it is challenging for you to work in your current location for legal or other reasons, you do not want your career to die and you also want to enjoy your time with your children more.

Let’s connect when…

Let’s connect when you want to:

  • Create a life and career abroad that you love
  • Restart or change your career abroad
  • (Re)Discover Your Strengths
  • Quit negative self-talk and be proud of yourself

Career Expats

I also work with expats whose career has taken them abroad. They work very hard and at the same time try to be a good husband and father (or wife and mother). They know there is more to life than just work, but it doesn’t feel like that now.

Is this you?

You feel stressed and crushed between the demands of work and the demands of family. You wake up tired, feel irritable and struggle to be the person you want to be.

You do not know if you want to stay in this line of work forever (well, you don’t), but do not know where to begin exploring other options.

Let’s connect when…

Let’s connect when you want to:

  • Have a career AND a life abroad.
  • Create breathing space for yourself
  • Discuss career options and exit strategies
  • Navigate cultural communication hurdles at work

How I work

As your coach I support you to create actionable strategies for achieving specific goals in your work or personal life. My job as a Certified Co-Active Coach® is to ask powerful questions, listen to you and empower you to show the skills and creativity you already possess, rather than instruct or advise you. I do not give you advice (you can get that from anyone for free), but support you to come up with your own path that fits your unique situation.

Time Commitment

We work together for a minimum of 3 months. Usually our 1 hour sessions take place once per 2 weeks, in person or online. We kick off with an assessment of the current situation. You identify the changes and results you wish to see in your life and career and we take it from there.

Each session, you pick the most pressing topic to work on and I use my coaching skills and exercises to help you move forward. In between sessions, you experiment, reflect and take action to create the life and career you want.

Schedule a FREE call

What others say about me

I would like to thank you for the coaching sessions that we had together .

You are an awesome life and career coach that let me see clearer what I want for  my life and my career.

You take out from me the negative thoughts that were stuck inside my mind for a long time. (…)

You helped me to rebuild my confidence and have faith and trust that there are million of opportunities in this world and that we should not be stuck to one condition, an  idea or state of mind.

You have taught me that we are the owner of our believes and lives and nobody can decide instead of us . We are independent and free even though we are engaged and we have family responsibilities . In fact everything is possible if we truly believe in it .

You taught ME to not say “I should to ” anymore and not put pressure on myself …

You have  transmitted your positivity and sense of humour being always professional ,responsive and open mind .

I would like to recommend you to whom are in need of your advice and support because you have the ability to change things for them .

Like me , you have experienced the expat wife experience , so you are the right person to understand partners in our situation.

The good news are that after our sessions , I got a distance job as a [private]. I strongly believe that you have been of a big help for me .

Thanks a lot dear Coach


Expat Partner

There are things I learned during my sessions with Margot that I still use today as a way to focus on my professional targets and as a way to believe in my strengths. But most of all Margot opened my eyes on how important it was for me to be kind to myself. This truly changed my life.
Time has passed by and I was faced with challenges I had not faced before but I regularly reach to this bag of amazing and powerful tools I learned with Margot. She has been an amazingly good coach to me!


French Expat

When I started working with Margot I was in a very difficult situation and very close to a break down. Her coaching helped me to improve my mental health and to find a new path in my life. I recommend Margot because she is very good in asking the right questions and taking the right steps in order to help you improve yourself. The videos and reading material she provided to me outside of her coaching sessions have very high quality and helped me to work on myself outside of the actual coaching session.

German Expat

Margot is highly motivated, very well organised, has creative ideas and is a proactive person. She performed to a very high standard in what can be rightfully considered a high-demand environment.

Ineke van de Pol
Counselor Press and Culture, Netherlands Embassy Beijing

Margot set up our first training program in South Sudan with excellent results, supporting stakeholders develop strategies improving human rights and environment in local communities.

Sebastiaan van der Zwaan
Director, Justice and Peace Netherlands

Talking to Margot, as a ‘neutral’ onlooker, someone to listen (& help finding solutions) without neither being too close nor giving any judgemental remarks helped my 15 year old daughter facing transition between countries and schools quite a bit!

German expat in Beijing

I turned to coaching sessions with Margot at a difficult time of life changes. Margot, using a variety of professional tools, helped me to structure my thoughts, determine the most important things to focus on and pointed to my strengths which I hadn’t realized before. Margot is a very attentive, effective and inspiring coach.

Russian expat in Beijing

I was previously in the Military for 11 years, and when I left I was unsure what direction my career would go in. I completed a coaching package with Margot and found her to be motivating and inspiring. She is very professional and encouraging, whilst at the same time allowing me to lead the content of the sessions. I found her coaching invaluable in helping me explore different options for my future and would recommend her to anyone looking to do similar.

British expat in Brunei

Margot helped me to bring back focus into my life after several moves with my family. I wasn’t sure whether to start a study or what job would fit me. She held a mirror up to me, enabling me to see more clearly what direction to take.

Dutch expat in Australia

Two thumbs up! I attained so much more in the coaching sessions with Margot than I had ever imagined I would. I came to Margot needing help to change careers, and left with so much more.  I learned a lot about my motivations and how to stay motivated and discovered strengths I did not know I had.  Our sessions were always fruitful, Margot was able to ask the right questions at the right time, encouraging me to think and analyze my motivations and current way of life. I always left with new, inspiring insights.  I have made tremendous progress – thank you Margot!

Dutch Expat in USA

Margot helped me to bring structure in my chaos, focus in my soup of ideas and she provided me with tools to help stay focused. Also she helped me to make some decisions; study, 9-5 job or work independently. She has been amazing in guiding me in this difficult process. She is patient, has a great sense of humour, and with no effort it seems, she supported me to get on the track that I really wanted. I just applied to my dream studies, which I would not have done without Margot. I also want to note I have ADHD, and there were times that I was late, or completely forgot my appointment. She never judged me or doubted my abilities: quite the opposite she gave that extra support and trust to continue and to make sure that I would not give up.

Dutch Expat in Nepal

Margot is a very patient, professional, down-to-earth coach. Margot helped me clarify the hurdles I experience in my new career path and focus on practical, positive ways to deal with it. I felt very motivated and understood during my coaching sessions.

Dutch Expat in Beijing

I worked with Margot for almost a year. It was a difficult time for me as I had health and other personal issues. The sessions I had with Margot helped me approach my issues with a positive attitude and set a course for me which has resulted in my life being improved in all areas. Margot is a talented coach who will offer support, but will also question you, if that is required. The sessions I had with her were invaluable.

British teacher in Brunei